January 19, 2011

Last Day

Well, today was my last day at Survivor Outreach Services as a contractor.  The contract ended and left everyone out in the cold. I am officially on "vacation" until who knows when. Of course, it is unpaid but that is alright. Porter is in daycare still so that means that this time off is all for me! Wow. What the heck am I going to do??

Well, this is what:

*Hair highlighted and trimmed (and I so love my sister's new haircut!! But, I won't steal it, don't worry Megan!)

*Nails filled

*Tub repainted (dumb housing)

*Wine night with my friend Angela

*Day out in Louisville all on my own! On my own time! Well, had to bring Porter...but that was ok!

*Dinner with the ladies

*Open up my Etsy shop

*Push my run up to 4 miles

*Finish my security investigation...

*Say good-bye to the oddball old guy at work

*Do some decorating for a certain place once I get confirmation

*Start my outline for my book

*Sign up for CFP classes

*Pack up care packages for Joe to include:
-Flannel Sheets
-Tan Shirts
-Camp shower
-Love :)

*Lunch with friends
-Now taking reservations!

*Set up savings goals

*Blue Start Family Program Night

*Teach on Wednesday nights to immature AIT soldiers


I have at least two weeks to do all of this!! Instead of being very sad about this, I can't help but think "When one door closes, another one opens." I hope that I put out a big announcement soon!!


  1. VACATION!!! You need it, so enjoy it...even if it's unpaid. And you can totally steal my haircut. Do whatever makes you happy!

  2. big announcement?!?! I hate being left on the edge of my seat ;) That looks like a fun list to accomplish.

  3. you will do fine you have a very good head on those shoulders good luck in all you seek to do


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