January 25, 2011

ABCs, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Right before Joe left, something clicked in Porter's head, and he got excited about reading! Finally! So, we bought him flashcards and tracing books. He watched LeapFrog movies over and over again to get the sounds down. Did we push it? Nope. Porter got excited all on his own!

A couple of days before Joe deployed, he videotaped two segments of him reading the flashcards with the correct sounds.  I am embarrassed to say that I still have not uploaded them onto the computer for Porter to watch. I am not quite sure that I can watch Joe yet.  I am too afraid that I will start crying as soon as I see him on the screen. I know, I know, it is about Porter. But, who has to the turn TV on?

Last night, as we were eating dinner, I mentioned to Porter about how I talked to Daddy and he said that he wanted Porter to work on his words.  Porter got super excited and asked for the flashcards. While we ate a yummy pot roast, he sounded out:


Amazing! Who knew that pot roast was so inspiring??

But, you know what is the best part? He understands the words! He will say a full sentance after it! For example, "Will you be my friend?" and "Where did my noodles go?"

Wow. Daddy is going to be so proud!

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Megan is super proud, too! The fact that it's not just reading, but reading comprehension is fantastic!


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